Coordinate Geometry

Line Calculator calculates line properties and equation.

Parallel line calculates the parallel line passing through a given point.

Perpendicular line calculates the perpendicular line passing through a given point.

Distance between two points calculates the distance between 2 points in 2D and 3D spaces

Distance Point-Line calculates the distance between a point and a Line in 2D and 3D spaces

Two Lines Calculator calculates 2 lines relative position in 2D space : intersection, distance...

Line segment Calculator calculates a line segment properties : starting point, Endpoint, midpoint, length, line equation.

Two Line segments Calculator calculates two line segments relative position in 2D space : intersection, distance...

3D Line Calculator calculates 3D line properties and equation.

Projection of point on line calculates the projection of a point on a line in 2d or 3d space

Two circles calculator calculator of the intersection (points, area) and radical axis of two circles in a 2d space

Power of a point calculates the power of a point with respect to a circle

Circle tangent lines calculates tangent lines between a circle and a point of the plane

Two Circles tangent lines calculates tangent lines between two circles of the plane

Circle from three points calculates the circle passing through three given points in a plane

Plane Equation Converter Conversion from one form to another : cartesian form, parametric form, normal form.

Plane defined by 3 points calculator of the equation of the plane passing through 3 given points

Point to Plane distance calculates the distance between a point and a plane in 3D space

Angle between 2 Planes calculates the angle between two planes in 3D space

Plane perpendicular to Line or Vector Equation of Plane passing through a point and perpendicular to a Line or a Vector

Plane perpendicular to Plane this tool calculates the Plane ⊥ to another plane and passing through two given points.

Plane parallel to plane calculator of the parallel plane to another plane and passing through a given point

Plane containing a Line and a point this tool calculates the equation of the plane containing a given Line and a point

Plane parallel to two Vectors given two vectors, this tool calculates the parallel plane to these vectors

Angle between a Plane and a Line calculates the angle between a plane and a line in 3D space

Two coplanar Lines test check if two lines are coplanar in space 3D

Closest point on a plane Calculates the closest point on a plane to another point

Random point on a Circle Generates a random point on a Circle

Random point on a Plane Generates a random point on a Plane

Random point on a Sphere Generates a random point on a Sphere

Random points on a Line Generates random points on a Line

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