Atmospheric pressure
`P = P_0*e^(-(mu*g*h)/(R*T))`
Calculation of atmospheric pressure at altitude.
Enter 'x' in the field to be calculated.
Pressure (P) = `2.832413 * 10^4` Pa (pascal)
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_____ Steps _____
`P = P_0*e^(-(mu*g*h)/(R*T))`
Inputs and conversions to SI Units
`P_0` = 101325 Pa convert
`h` = 8848 m convert
`T` = -36 °C = 237.15 K convert
Apply the formula
`P` = 28324.126181584 Pa convertDo you have any suggestions to improve this page ?
Atmospheric pressure at altitude formula
This tool calculates the atmospheric pressure based on altitude and air temperature using the following formula:
`P = P_0*e^(-(mu*g*h)/(R*T))`
`P`: Air pressure at elevation h
`P_0`: Air pressure at sea level
`mu`: Constant, molar mass average of air: M = 0.0289644 kg/mol.
g: Earth gravity constant, g = 9.80665 m/s2
h: Altitude in meter
R: Ideal gas constant R = 8.31432 J/k.mol
T: Air temperature in Kelvin at altitude h
See also
Pressure calculators
Unit Converter