Conversion of Time Units

This tool converts time units.

Time units

Standard units
s : second
min : minute
h : hour
d : day
week : week
month : month
year : non-leap year

Small units
ms : millisecond
µs : microsecond
ns : nanosecond
ps : picosecond
fs : femtosecond
as : attosecond

Time units conversion table

Standard units / Standard units
# sminhdweekmonthyear
1 s = 10.01670.00031.1574e-51.6534e-63.8052e-73.171e-8
1 min = 6010.01670.00070.00012.2831e-51.9026e-6
1 h = 36006010.04170.0060.00140.0001
1 d = 8640014402410.14290.03290.0027
1 week = 6.048e+510080168710.23010.0192
1 month = 2.628e+64380073030.41674.345210.0833
1 year = 3.1536e+75.256e+5876036552.1429121

Standard units / Small units
# msµsnspsfsas
1 s = 10001.0e+61.0e+91.0e+121.0e+151.0e+18
1 min = 600006.0e+76.0e+106.0e+136.0e+166.0e+19
1 h = 3.6e+63.6e+93.6e+123.6e+153.6e+183.6e+21
1 d = 8.64e+78.64e+108.64e+138.64e+168.64e+198.64e+22
1 week = 6.048e+86.048e+116.048e+146.048e+176.048e+206.048e+23
1 month = 2.628e+92.628e+122.628e+152.628e+182.628e+212.628e+24
1 year = 3.1536e+103.1536e+133.1536e+163.1536e+193.1536e+223.1536e+25

Small units / Standard units
# sminhdweekmonthyear
1 ms = 0.0011.6667e-52.7778e-71.1574e-81.6534e-93.8052e-103.171e-11
1 µs = 1.0e-61.6667e-82.7778e-101.1574e-111.6534e-123.8052e-133.171e-14
1 ns = 1.0e-91.6667e-112.7778e-131.1574e-141.6534e-153.8052e-163.171e-17
1 ps = 1.0e-121.6667e-142.7778e-161.1574e-171.6534e-183.8052e-193.171e-20
1 fs = 1.0e-151.6667e-172.7778e-191.1574e-201.6534e-213.8052e-223.171e-23
1 as = 1.0e-181.6667e-202.7778e-221.1574e-231.6534e-243.8052e-253.171e-26

Small units / Small units
# msµsnspsfsas
1 ms = 110001.0e+61.0e+91.0e+121.0e+15
1 µs = 0.001110001.0e+61.0e+91.0e+12
1 ns = 1.0e-60.001110001.0e+61.0e+9
1 ps = 1.0e-91.0e-60.001110001.0e+6
1 fs = 1.0e-121.0e-91.0e-60.00111000
1 as = 1.0e-151.0e-121.0e-91.0e-60.0011

See also

Date difference
Hour difference
Calculate an age
Shift a date
Working days
Day number
Week number
Time Zones
Time Cities
Decimal to time Conversion
Time to decimal Conversion
Date to timestamp
Timestamp to date