Decimal to time Conversion
This calculator converts decimal time format to time format.
Example: 2.3 days = 2 days 7 hours 11 minutes 59 seconds.
To do the inverse conversion, use this calculator Time to decimal Conversion.
We use the following abreviations,
day = d
hour = h
minute = min
second = s
Example 1 :
Let's write 2.65 days in the form ... d ... h ... min ... s
duration = 2.65 d = 2 d + 0.65 d
0.65 d = 0.65 * 24 h = 15.6 h = 15 h + 0.6 h
We get, duration = 2 d + 15 h + 0.6 h
0.6 h = 0.6 * 60 min = 36 min
We get, duration = 2 d + 15 h + 36 min
Final result : 2.65 days = 2 d 15 h 36 min 0 s
Example 2 :
Let's convert 14.37 hours to the format ... h ... min ... s
duration = 14.37 h = 14 h + 0.37 h
0.37 h = 0.37 * 60 min = 22.2 min = 22 min + 0.2 min
hence, duration = 14 h + 22 min + 0.2 min
0.2 min = 0.2 * 60 s = 12 s
We get, duration = 14 h + 22 min + 12 s
Final result : 14.37 h = 14 h 22 min 12 s
See also
Date difference
Hour difference
Calculate an age
Shift a date
Working days
Day number
Week number
Time Zones
Time Cities
Time to decimal Conversion
Time unit Conversion
Date to timestamp
Timestamp to date