Atmospheric pressure

`P = P_0*e^(-(mu*g*h)/(R*T))`

Calculation of atmospheric pressure at altitude.
Enter 'x' in the field to be calculated.

Atmospheric pressure at altitude formula

This tool calculates the atmospheric pressure based on altitude and air temperature using the following formula:

`P = P_0*e^(-(mu*g*h)/(R*T))`

`P`: Air pressure at elevation h
`P_0`: Air pressure at sea level
`mu`: Constant, molar mass average of air: M = 0.0289644 kg/mol.
g: Earth gravity constant, g = 9.80665 m/s2
h: Altitude in meter
R: Ideal gas constant R = 8.31432 J/k.mol
T: Air temperature in Kelvin at altitude h

See also

Pressure calculators
Unit Converter