Electrical Resistivity Units Conversion

This calculator converts Electrical Resistivity units online. It also includes below conversion tables.

Electrical Resistivity Units

SI units and derived
Ω.m : ohm meter
Ω.cm : ohm cm
Ω.mm²/m : ohm square mm per meter
µΩ.cm : microohm cm
kΩ.m : kiloohm meter

Thumb/foot units
Ω.in : ohm inch
Ω.ft : ohm foot
µΩ.in : microohm inch

CGS-EMU units
statohm.cm : statohm cm
abohm.cm : abohm cm
statohm.m : statohm meter
abohm.m : abohm meter

Electrical Resistivity Unit Conversion Tables

SI units and derived / SI units and derived
# Ω.mΩ.cmΩ.mm²/mµΩ.cmkΩ.m
1 Ω.m = 11001.0e+61.0e+80.001
1 Ω.cm = 0.011100001.0e+61.0e-5
1 Ω.mm²/m = 1.0e-60.000111001.0e-9
1 µΩ.cm = 1.0e-81.0e-60.0111.0e-11
1 kΩ.m = 10001000001.0e+91.0e+111

SI units and derived / Thumb/foot units
# Ω.inΩ.ftµΩ.in
1 Ω.m = 39.37013.28083.937e+7
1 Ω.cm = 0.39370.03283.937e+5
1 Ω.mm²/m = 3.937e-53.2808e-639.3701
1 µΩ.cm = 3.937e-73.2808e-80.3937
1 kΩ.m = 39370.07873280.83993.937e+10

Thumb/foot units / SI units and derived
# Ω.mΩ.cmΩ.mm²/mµΩ.cmkΩ.m
1 Ω.in = 0.02542.54254002.54e+62.54e-5
1 Ω.ft = 0.304830.483.048e+53.048e+70.0003
1 µΩ.in = 2.54e-82.54e-60.02542.542.54e-11

Thumb/foot units / Thumb/foot units
# Ω.inΩ.ftµΩ.in
1 Ω.in = 10.08331.0e+6
1 Ω.ft = 1211.2e+7
1 µΩ.in = 1.0e-68.3333e-81

Thumb/foot units / CGS-EMU units
# statohm.cmabohm.cmstatohm.mabohm.m
1 Ω.in = 2.8261e-122.54e+92.8261e-142.54e+7
1 Ω.ft = 3.3914e-113.048e+103.3914e-133.048e+8
1 µΩ.in = 2.8261e-1825402.8261e-2025.4

SI units and derived / CGS-EMU units
# statohm.cmabohm.cmstatohm.mabohm.m
1 Ω.m = 1.1127e-101.0e+111.1127e-121.0e+9
1 Ω.cm = 1.1127e-121.0e+91.1127e-141.0e+7
1 Ω.mm²/m = 1.1127e-161000001.1127e-181000
1 µΩ.cm = 1.1127e-1810001.1127e-2010
1 kΩ.m = 1.1127e-71.0e+141.1127e-91.0e+12

CGS-EMU units / SI units and derived
# Ω.mΩ.cmΩ.mm²/mµΩ.cmkΩ.m
1 statohm.cm = 8.9876e+98.9876e+118.9876e+158.9876e+178.9876e+6
1 abohm.cm = 1.0e-111.0e-91.0e-50.0011.0e-14
1 statohm.m = 8.9876e+118.9876e+138.9876e+178.9876e+198.9876e+8
1 abohm.m = 1.0e-91.0e-70.0010.11.0e-12

CGS-EMU units / Thumb/foot units
# Ω.inΩ.ftµΩ.in
1 statohm.cm = 3.5384e+112.9487e+103.5384e+17
1 abohm.cm = 3.937e-103.2808e-110.0004
1 statohm.m = 3.5384e+132.9487e+123.5384e+19
1 abohm.m = 3.937e-83.2808e-90.0394

CGS-EMU units / CGS-EMU units
# statohm.cmabohm.cmstatohm.mabohm.m
1 statohm.cm = 18.9876e+200.018.9876e+18
1 abohm.cm = 1.1127e-2111.1127e-230.01
1 statohm.m = 1008.9876e+2218.9876e+20
1 abohm.m = 1.1127e-191001.1127e-211

See also

Unit conversion