Conversion of Data Storage Units

This tool converts data storage units. It also includes below conversion tables.

Data Storage Units

Bit Units
b : bit
Kb : kilobit
Mb : megabit
Gb : gigabit
Tb : terabit

Octet Units
o : byte
Ko : kilooctet
Mo : megaoctet
Go : gigaoctet
To : téraoctet

Byte Units
B : byte
KB : kilobyte
MB : megabyte
GB : gigabyte
TB : terabyte

Kibit units
Kibit : kibibit
Mibit : mebibit
Gibit : gibibit
Tibit : tebibit

Kibibyte Units
KiB : kibibyte
MiB : mebibyte
GiB : gibibyte
TiB : tebibyte

Data Storage Conversion Tables

Bit Units / Bit Units
# bKbMbGbTb
1 b = 10.0011.0e-61.0e-91.0e-12
1 Kb = 100010.0011.0e-61.0e-9
1 Mb = 1.0e+6100010.0011.0e-6
1 Gb = 1.0e+91.0e+6100010.001
1 Tb = 1.0e+121.0e+91.0e+610001

Bit Units / Octet Units
# oKoMoGoTo
1 b = 0.1250.00011.1921e-71.1642e-101.1369e-13
1 Kb = 1250.12210.00011.1642e-71.1369e-10
1 Mb = 1.25e+5122.07030.11920.00011.1369e-7
1 Gb = 1.25e+81.2207e+5119.20930.11640.0001
1 Tb = 1.25e+111.2207e+81.1921e+5116.41530.1137

Bit Units / Kibit units
# KibitMibitGibitTibit
1 b = 0.0019.5367e-79.3132e-109.0949e-13
1 Kb = 0.97660.0019.3132e-79.0949e-10
1 Mb = 976.56250.95370.00099.0949e-7
1 Gb = 9.7656e+5953.67430.93130.0009
1 Tb = 9.7656e+89.5367e+5931.32260.9095

Bit Units / Kibibyte Units
1 b = 0.00011.1921e-71.1642e-101.1369e-13
1 Kb = 0.12210.00011.1642e-71.1369e-10
1 Mb = 122.07030.11920.00011.1369e-7
1 Gb = 1.2207e+5119.20930.11640.0001
1 Tb = 1.2207e+81.1921e+5116.41530.1137

Octet Units / Bit Units
# bKbMbGbTb
1 o = 80.0088.0e-68.0e-98.0e-12
1 Ko = 81928.1920.00828.192e-68.192e-9
1 Mo = 8.3886e+68388.6088.38860.00848.3886e-6
1 Go = 8.5899e+98.5899e+68589.93468.58990.0086
1 To = 8.7961e+128.7961e+98.7961e+68796.0938.7961

Octet Units / Octet Units
# oKoMoGoTo
1 o = 10.0019.5367e-79.3132e-109.0949e-13
1 Ko = 102410.0019.5367e-79.3132e-10
1 Mo = 1.0486e+6102410.0019.5367e-7
1 Go = 1.0737e+91.0486e+6102410.001
1 To = 1.0995e+121.0737e+91.0486e+610241

Octet Units / Kibit units
# KibitMibitGibitTibit
1 o = 0.00787.6294e-67.4506e-97.276e-12
1 Ko = 80.00787.6294e-67.4506e-9
1 Mo = 819280.00787.6294e-6
1 Go = 8.3886e+6819280.0078
1 To = 8.5899e+98.3886e+681928

Octet Units / Kibibyte Units
1 o = 0.0019.5367e-79.3132e-109.0949e-13
1 Ko = 10.0019.5367e-79.3132e-10
1 Mo = 102410.0019.5367e-7
1 Go = 1.0486e+6102410.001
1 To = 1.0737e+91.0486e+610241

Kibit units / Bit Units
# bKbMbGbTb
1 Kibit = 10241.0240.0011.024e-61.024e-9
1 Mibit = 1.0486e+61048.5761.04860.0011.0486e-6
1 Gibit = 1.0737e+91.0737e+61073.74181.07370.0011
1 Tibit = 1.0995e+121.0995e+91.0995e+61099.51161.0995

Kibit units / Octet Units
# oKoMoGoTo
1 Kibit = 1280.1250.00011.1921e-71.1642e-10
1 Mibit = 1.3107e+51280.1250.00011.1921e-7
1 Gibit = 1.3422e+81.3107e+51280.1250.0001
1 Tibit = 1.3744e+111.3422e+81.3107e+51280.125

Kibit units / Kibit units
# KibitMibitGibitTibit
1 Kibit = 10.0019.5367e-79.3132e-10
1 Mibit = 102410.0019.5367e-7
1 Gibit = 1.0486e+6102410.001
1 Tibit = 1.0737e+91.0486e+610241

Kibit units / Kibibyte Units
1 Kibit = 0.1250.00011.1921e-71.1642e-10
1 Mibit = 1280.1250.00011.1921e-7
1 Gibit = 1.3107e+51280.1250.0001
1 Tibit = 1.3422e+81.3107e+51280.125

Kibibyte Units / Bit Units
# bKbMbGbTb
1 KiB = 81928.1920.00828.192e-68.192e-9
1 MiB = 8.3886e+68388.6088.38860.00848.3886e-6
1 GiB = 8.5899e+98.5899e+68589.93468.58990.0086
1 TiB = 8.7961e+128.7961e+98.7961e+68796.0938.7961

Kibibyte Units / Octet Units
# oKoMoGoTo
1 KiB = 102410.0019.5367e-79.3132e-10
1 MiB = 1.0486e+6102410.0019.5367e-7
1 GiB = 1.0737e+91.0486e+6102410.001
1 TiB = 1.0995e+121.0737e+91.0486e+610241

Kibibyte Units / Kibit units
# KibitMibitGibitTibit
1 KiB = 80.00787.6294e-67.4506e-9
1 MiB = 819280.00787.6294e-6
1 GiB = 8.3886e+6819280.0078
1 TiB = 8.5899e+98.3886e+681928

Kibibyte Units / Kibibyte Units
1 KiB = 10.0019.5367e-79.3132e-10
1 MiB = 102410.0019.5367e-7
1 GiB = 1.0486e+6102410.001
1 TiB = 1.0737e+91.0486e+610241

See also

Unit converters