Simplify a Trigonometric expression

This calculator simplifies expressions with trigonometric (cos, sin...) or hyperbolic (cosh, sinh...) functions.
To multiply, use a*b and not ab

How to use this calculator?

This calculator simplifies expressions with trigonometric or hyperbolic functions. To enter expressions, follow the notations below.


• Use the following symbols + (addition), - (subtraction), * (product), / (division) and ^ (power).
• For the product of a by b, input a*b and not ab.
Example: cos(x)*sin(x) and not cos(x)sin(x)
• For powers, input for example cos(x)^2.

Trigonometric functions

Use these notations.
sin (sine),
cos (cosine),
tan (tangent),
cot (cotangent),
sec (secant),
csc (cosecant),

Fonctions trigonométriques hyperboliques

Utiliser les symboles suivants.
sinh (hyperbolic sine),
cosh (hyperbolic cosine),
tanh (hyperbolic tangent),
coth (hyperbolic cotangent),
sech (hyperbolic secante),
csch (hyperbolic cosecant)

See also

Trigonometric Calculators
Mathematics Calculators