Scientific Calculator


    How to use this Calculator ?

    sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atanUsual trigonométric functions. Select angle unit at the top left : Rad (for radian) or Deg (for degree).
    EXP (Exponent)Allows to enter powers of 10. Example : enter 5 EXP 6, the calculator displays 5E6 = 5 x 106 = 5 000 000.
    modCalculates arithmetic operation modulo. Example : enter 41 mod 3, the calculator displays 41 mod 3 = 2 which is the remainder of euclidean division of 41 by 3.
    xyCalcules a number powers. Example : enter 3 xy 5, the calculator displays 3^5 = 35 = 245
    ln and log :Calculates neperian and 10 based logarithms (ln and log). Example log 1000 or ln 56.
    exCalculates exponential function. Example enter ex 10 which displays exp(10) = exponential of 10 = 22026.465794806718.
    Rand :Generates a random number between 0 and 1. To get a random number between 0 and N, multiply the generated number by N.
    10xAllows to enter powers of 10. Example enter 10x (4-2) which displays 10^(4-2) = 100.
    x2Calculates a number square. Example, enter 10 x2 , the calculator displays 10^2 = 100.
    and 3Calculates square and cubic root. Example √(16) = 4.
    n!Calculates a whole number factorial. Example, enter n! 5 , the calculator displays fact(5) = 120.
    Touches pi and eTo enter constants pi = 3.141592653589793 and e = 2.718281828459045.

    See also

    Mathematics Calculators
    All Calculators