Mass moment of inertia of a thick spherical shell

Calculates the mass moment of inertia of a thick spherical shell about its central axis.
spherical shell

`I = 2/5*m*(R^5-r^5)/(R^3-r^3)`
Enter 'x' in the field to be calculated.

We use the following formula to calculate the mass moment of inertia of a thick spherical shell about its central axis.

`I = 2/5*m*(R^5-r^5)/(R^3-r^3)`

m : mass of sphere (kg)
R : radius of the spherical shell (outer radius) in meter (m)
r : radius of the cavity (inner radius) in meter (m)

See also

Mass moment of inertia Calculators
Convert mass units
Convert distance units
Convert units of mass moment of inertia
Physics Calculators