Fraction Converter: Improper & Mixed

This converter allows you to switch between improper and mixed fractions and vice versa. Ideal for simplifying and understanding fractions. It also handles large fractions with precision.
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Types of Fractions

Improper Fractions: A fraction where the numerator is greater than the denominator (e.g., `7/3`).
Proper Fractions: A fraction where the numerator is less than the denominator (e.g., `3/4`).
Mixed Fractions: A combination of a whole number and a fraction (e.g., `2 1/3`).

Mixed fractions are commonly used in English-speaking countries such as the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia.

Why Convert?

Converting fractions can help in understanding and utilizing them more effectively. For instance, a mixed fraction might be more intuitive when measuring ingredients in cooking.

How Does It Work?

To convert from a simple fraction to a mixed one, divide the numerator by the denominator. The quotient forms the whole part, and the remainder provides the fractional part of the mixed fraction. The reverse operation is also possible.

Conversion Examples

From Simple to Mixed Fractions:

Consider the simple fraction `7/4`. When we divide 7 by 4, we get a quotient of 1 and a remainder of 3. So, `7/4` is equivalent to the mixed fraction `1 3/4`.

From Mixed to Simple Fractions:

Consider the mixed fraction `2 3/5`. To convert it to a simple fraction, we multiply the denominator (5) by the whole part (2) and add the numerator (3). This gives `13/5` as the equivalent simple fraction.

Large Fractions

Our tool can even handle very large fractions, ensuring accuracy and reliability in conversions.

See also

All fractions Calculators
Mathematics Calculators