Equilibrium Constant

Calculator of the equilibrium constant of a chemical reaction.

Chemical reaction :
\(\ce{aA + bB <=> cC + dD}\) where molecules A,B,C,D are the reactants and products of the reaction and a,b,c,d are the coefficients of molecules A, B, C, D.

Equilibrium constant formula : `K_c = \frac{[C]^c*[D]^d}{[A]^a*[B]^b}` [A], [B], [C], [D] are the concentrations of A, B, C and D in mol per liter.

Do not enter molecules symbols like SO2, H2 ... Enter data separated by space(s).
Powers of 10 : input 2.5*10^-3 or 2.5e-3 for [A] = `2.5*10^(-3)` mol/l


`K_c` = `1.321445 * 10^-11`


Step 1. Chemical equation

\(\ce{A + 3B <=> 2C}\)

Step 2. Concentrations

`[ A ] = 0.03` mol/l
`[ B ] = 0.09` mol/l
`[ C ] = 1.7*10^-8` mol/l

Step 3. Calculation Formula

`K_c = \frac{[ C ]^2}{[ A ][ B ]^3}`

Step 4. Calculation

`K_c = \frac{ (1.7*10^-8)^2}{ (0.03)^1* (0.09)^3}`

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input [A] [B] ... (spaces separated)
input [C] [D] ... (spaces separated)
a b ... (spaces separated)
c d ... (spaces separated)

This tool calculates the equilibrium constant for a chemical reaction.

We consider the following chemical reaction :
\(\ce{aA + bB <=> cC + dD}\)

A and B are the reactants.
C and D are the products.
a and b are the reactant coefficients.
c and d are the product coefficients.

The equilibrium constant is calculated as follows,
`K_c = \frac{[C]^c*[D]^d}{[A]^a*[B]^b}`

[A]: Molar concentration of reactant A in mol per liter (mol/l)
[B]: Molar concentration of reactant B in mol per liter (mol/l)
[C]: Molar concentration of product C in mol per liter (mol/l)
[D]: Molar concentration of product D in mol per liter (mol/l)

Example of use

This is the chemical reaction of ammonia synthesis:
\(\ce{N2 + 3H2 <=> 2NH3}\)

There are 2 reactants which are nitrogen and hydrogen and one product, ammonia.

A = `N_2`
B = `H_2`

The product:
C = `NH_3`

a = 1
b = 3
c = 2

Then, the following values should be entered in the form:
- Field "Coefficients of Reactants" : 1 3
- Field "Coefficients of Products" : 2

If we suppose the equilibrium molar concentrations are (in mol/l):
[`N_2`] = 0.03
[`H_2`] = 0.09
[`NH_3`] = `1.7*10^(-8)`

Then, we should enter the following values in the calculator:
- Field "Reactant concentrations (mol/l)": 0.03 0.09
- Field "Product concentrations (mol/l)": 1.7e-8

That leads to the following calculator: `Kc = 1.32*10^(-11)`

See also

Conversion of molar concentration units
Ionic Force Calculator
Solution and Equilibrium Calculators
Chemistry Calculators